Saturday, December 16, 2017

Don't Cry Because it's Over, Smile Because it Happened

With this in mind the girls’ dorm woke up to a blearing alarm at 4:30. While doing some last-minute packing and cleaning, stripping our beds and brushing our teeth, we found ourselves in disbelief that we were leaving this place we had grown so fond of. This morning we realized that, while we certainly won’t miss the bugs, we have grown attached to our cozy bunk beds and the feeling of falling asleep to the pitter patter of the fans.

After zipping our suitcases, the group met inside the Octagon, where Casey and Galen provided us with a quick cereal breakfast (we have all officially been converted to soy milk lovers after this trip). After loading our suitcases into the vans, we stumbled across a teenage phenomenon. Upon retrieving our beloved cellular devices, we agreed that (and we know this sounds strange) the thought of turning them on seemed more tedious than tempting. After some last-minute pictures of the Octagon and our rooms for memories, we loaded the vans and departed the Island School.

those aren't tears in our eyes, it's just leftover sand from the beach
The ride from the Island School to Rock Sound airport was peaceful, filled with quiet conversations and reflection. Once at the airport, we checked our luggage and approached the dreaded moment when we would have to say goodbye to our beloved leaders whom we have grown so fond of in the past few weeks. Although Casey would be joining us on the flight to the Nassau airport (yay!) we were forced to say goodbye to Galen at RockSound (boo!).

views from landing at Nassau
Upon arrival we said goodbye to Casey and Josh, (Josh would meet up with his Dad later on in the day in Nassau). Luckily these two events didn’t not involve tears, but we were able to pull through. After a long wait to recheck our luggage and get through customs, we were finally free to roam the airport in search of food. Unfortunately, the call of Starbucks proved too strong to be combated by our new sustainability aimed mindsets, but we all saved our straws! Yay! #sustainable #kinda!

The rest of the morning was spent looking through pictures of our trip and catching up on social media. The big drama of the morning was that Galen did not, in fact, follow us back on Instagram. Mood? confused. heartbroken. angry. overall: upset.

But that’s okay, we #SmiledThroughThePain

smiling through the pain
1:00 PM: reporting live. We are now on our flight from Nassau to Atlanta. Mills has calmed down the angry mob of teenage girls with the news that the Instagram ordeal was actually a technical error. Galen, if you are reading this - we are sorry we got your page flagged, and we forgive you! We are also giving you a 10-day grace period #You’reWelcome.
Now we are all exhausted from our early morning and are taking this time as an opportunity to catch up on some much-needed rest!

sleepy students all around
4:15 PM

We have been in the Atlanta airport for about two hours now, and have been trying to spend time efficiently. Our hangriness (mixture of hungry and angry) took a turn for the worst when our communal budget was spent on Asian Chow, and the group chicken was attacked by everyone at once. Let’s just say we are lucky each of us came out with all ten fingers intact. We also found some beach balls from our dear friend, David, and decided we absolutely have to pay him tribute for his kind gesture. So David- this one’s for you! Thank you!!

Thanks again, David!

next stop...Cleveland!
After a long journey, we are finally embarking to our beloved homeland of Cleveland, Ohio. Blogging and napping do not work well together so we will check in later!!

So, after a fulfilling two weeks we are finally home. This return is bittersweet. We are looking forward to our warm beds and warm showers, but will miss the Island School, Casey, and Galen! Nonetheless we will look back fondly at our time at the Island School, and remember all of our great adventures.

Tired, but Happy to be Home,
Leigh and Matt

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